
Karaoke for Sting The Police - Dont Stand So Close To Me

Sting The Police - Dont Stand So Close To Me (04:01)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
Sting The Police - Cant Stand Losing You (02:58)
Sting The Police - Cant Stand Losing You (02:57)
Sting The Police - Dont Stand So Close To Me (04:01)
Sting The Police - Englishman In New York (04:24)
Sting The Police - Englishman In New York (04:28)
Sting The Police - Englishman in New York (04:24)
Sting The Police - Every Breath You Take (04:13)
Sting The Police - Every Breath You Take (04:14)
Sting The Police - Every Breath you take (04:11)
Sting The Police - Every Breath You Take (04:08)
Sting The Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (04:22)
Sting The Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (04:22)
Sting The Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (04:21)
Sting The Police - Fields Of Gold (03:40)
Sting The Police - Fragile (03:54)
Sting The Police - If You Love Somebody Set Them Free (04:16)
Sting The Police - Message In A Bottle (04:51)
Sting The Police - Roxanne (03:11)
Sting The Police - Roxanne (03:04)
Sting the Police - Russians (03:54)
Sting The Police - Seven Days (04:39)
Sting The Police - Walking On The Moon (05:03)

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